We allow developing space companies to retain ownership and decision control over their business while providing access to working capital and the benefits of our business and market resources.


Our Mission

Earth Space Robotics (ESR) is an Australian investment company with a mission to facilitate a healthy and growing Australian commercial space industry.

ESR believes Australia has the skills, capacity and character to establish its place as a world-leader in the industry, and that an active, innovative, collaborative commercial Australian space industry is the key. There is an opportunity now to establish genuine leadership in the development and maturity of a fledgling industry with unlimited potential and capture the imagination of humanity.

The ESR leadership team understands that the best way to solve big problems is through market development, that great ideas best succeed when they are made a commercial reality, and that the process of transforming ideas into services and products demands innovation, problem solving and dedication.

We see great opportunities for developing the commercial space industry in the current market funding gap: early investment in young companies and start-ups, who wish to develop their operations and place in the market before seeking large scale investment. We allow developing space companies to retain ownership and decision control over their business while providing access to working capital and the benefits of our business and market resources.

As a private investment company with a lean management structure, ESR can make confident and lasting investment decisions, and has the resources to rapidly scale investment to match the needs of growth, as well as a network of trusted invested partners to support unlimited future opportunities.

The chance to be at the forefront of a new space age is too big an opportunity to miss. We need great ideas, great people, the willingness to take risks, solid business planning, smart investors and a supportive policy environment. Most of all, we need people who will just get in and do it.
— James Schultz, CEO, Earth Space Robotics